Thursday, August 14, 2014

Davenport – One among the top Quad Cities of the USA

Davenport is actually located in the banks of the Mississippi river. It is within Scott County. It comes under the Quad Cities along with the list of others such as Bettendorf as well as Rock Island, Moline, and East Moline. Flood occurrence is not so common in this part of the world though. Victorian structures are quite common in the area. You can see the Tudor revival structures too. Some of the world famous Queen Anne architecture has to be mentioned without fail as well.
Germans are the original inhabitants to this demographical location in the ancient past. 1832 is when the war with the Black Hawks ended and there was a peace treaty signed. Antoine-le-Claire who is partly a French inhabitant, established Davenport in the year1836. It was named after his friend and the colonel, the famous George Davenport. This gentleman took care of the goods to supply the Fort of Amstrong. He was the one who planned for the very first railroad bridge to this part of the world. It was built across the Mississippi river.
Economy boosted big time around 1920s and there was a huge scope for the construction industry during that time. The growth and the popularity for the region increased from the booming construction industry. Similarly, just after the second world war, once again the economy started to shoot up to biggest numbers in this part of the world. Eventually, it led to the opening up of big plants like that of the ones that belonged to the Caterpillar Company, and so on. Some of the prominent spots in the Davenport region as of today are listed below as well.
  • Germans-Americans Jazz Events
  • The Figge Arts Museum
  • The Villages of Eastern Davenport
  • The Riverfronts of Davenport
  • The Putnam Museums and IMAX Theatres
  • Riverside Festival of Fine Art
  • Modern Woodmen Parks
  • Davenports Sky bridges
  • River Music Experiences
  • Great Mississippi Valley Fairground
  • Mount Ida
·         Americans Discovery Trails
  • North Park Malls
  • Vander Veers Botanical Parks
  • Credits Islands
  • Great Mississippi’s Valleys Fairs
  • The Mississippi’s Rivers Trails
Historic importance and the rich heritage of a place make it to be prominent in the first place. Apart from the sheer talent in the inhabitants, fortune was in their favor.

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